Throughout the Carolinas, especially in South Carolina, we received a lot of precipitation this month, which has obliterated almost any sign of drought! This month's newsletter focuses why these wet conditions occurred and the impacts they have on local areas. We feature an article on why the recent historic rainfall event occurred in South Carolina and another piece on how extreme rainfall can impact availability of crops, such pumpkins. Our Condition Monitoring Star of the Month, Carl Cole of Charleston County, does a great job reporting about wet conditions in his weekly reports, and we explain how decision makers still find this information useful. You can access the newsletter here or send us an email at if you would like to be added to our email list.
We would love to hear more from you the impacts from these heavy precipitation events in your area and how you report about wet conditions during our next observer conference call on October 29, 2015 from 10 am to 11 am. We would also like to hear your feedback about our second phase of the Condition Monitoring project discussed in last month's newsletter. To join the conversation the conversation next week, call 605-477-2200 and enter the access code 736549 (note: this is not
a toll-free number).