Monday, August 25, 2014

Condition Monitoring Star of the Week, August 18th-24 - Caswell County, NC

Our Condition Monitoring Star of the Week was posted by CoCoRaHS observer with station number NC-CS-1 in Caswell County, NC.  In their report, they note multiple categories of impacts in their community ranging from agriculture to tourism and recreation. We've been reading condition monitoring reports submitted by all observers over the last 11 months and we've noticed that reports focus on weather impacts in their yards or households.  We want to encourage all reporters to keep your eyes open and be aware of how weather can affect your community.  The report below is a great example of additional impacts you could include you your reports. Thank you NC-CS-1!  Keep up the good work!


Business and Industry
Plants and Wildlife 

Tourism and Recreation 
Water Supply and Quality

The saying "it's not the heat it's the humidity" definitely applies now. When my glasses fog up when I go outside or when I wake up and the windows are fogged up, it's humid outside! Most vegetable gardens have finished producing. Time to get ready to plant a fall garden. The lake level has steadily risen all week, now 409.84'. All the wheat has been cut. Tobacco priming continues. Birds are still molting. Hummers still around- even with two feeders near each other, only one will drink the nectar at a time while chasing others away. A few flowers are blooming but fall mum are full of buds. Another weather lore is the number of fogs in August foretell the number of snows in the winter. So far we have had at least 4 foggy morning - bring on the snow. Campers still utilizing the sites and still activity on the lake when weather permits. Lots of fishermen early this morning. School starts Monday.

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