Monday, September 1, 2014

Condition Monitoring Star of the Week, August 25th - 31st - Sumter County, SC

Our Condition Monitoring Star of the Week was posted on August 31st by observer with station number SC-SM-1 in Sumter County, SC.  We chose this report because the reporter offers excellent examples of how dry their area has become. For example, they not only report that the ground is dry but they give a visual description of the dust and dirt that's produced as a result.  They are also specific about what species of trees are turning color prematurely.  These kind of details make reports more useful because they offer information that is specific to place, time and conditions.

We post great reports like these because we want to encourage observers to learn from one another.  How can you make your reports more detailed?  Instead of noting trees or other plants impacts, can you include more information about what kind of plants you're referring to?  These are just a few ideas to help you think about ways you can enhance your reports.

Thank you for an outstanding report SC-SM-1. Keep up the good work!


Agriculture : $50.00
Plants and Wildlife

Ground conditions are very dry. Grasses are dying once cut by lawn equipment and this is causing excessive dust and dirt and clippings to be scattered about once lifted by either the wind or lawn equipment. Red Leaf Maple leaves are prematurely falling and Dogwood leaves are starting to prematurely turn from green to red. A false autumn.

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