Monday, September 29, 2014

Condition Monitoring Star of the Week, September 22nd-28th - Madison County, NC

Our Condition Monitoring Star of the Week was reported by CoCoRaHS observer with station number NC-MS-5 on September 26th.  We chose this report for several reasons: 1) it encompasses multiple impact categories it encompasses, 2) it notes how much rain was received when a front passed over their area, 3) the observer specifically identifies the types of plants are showing fall colors and 4) observer recorded happenings in both their yard and the surrounding community. Reports like this one are incredibly helpful because of it's attention to many impacts in both the household and community.  It is also very detailed which helps us understand what's, which's, when's and where's of impacts. This is truly a stellar report.  High five NC-MS-5!


Plants and Wildlife
Tourism and Recreation
Water Supply and Quality

It's been a dry week. On the Autumnal Equinox, we had a front pass through with a brief, hard rain of .12". That's it for the whole week. The French Broad River is low--876 cfs. I talked to some rafters who said it was slow, but pretty. Rafting companies still get good business on weekends. We turned off our microhydro. Fall color is showing on sourwoods, dogwoods, sumacs, and maples. The tulip poplars are dropping brown & yellow leaves. While the resident hummingbirds left, I seen two travelling hummers on separate days. I'll keep the feeder available for other stragglers. At least one broad-winged hawk is still here, but some migrating hawks have been seen over the Blue Ridge. Our drinking spring quality & quantity is unchanged.

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