Monday, October 20, 2014

Condition Monitoring Star of the Week, October 13th - 19th - Charleston County, SC

 Our Condition Monitoring Star of the Week was posted by observer with station number SC-CR-88 in Charleston County, SC.  In their report, they discussed ecological changes at a local park.  First, they identified the location they were referring to by name, Roxbury Park in Meggett.  This is important because different areas have different types of ecologies.  By identifying the location, we can better understand how weather is affecting the landscape.  The observer also included information told to them by a naturalist.  You too can include information from reliable of sources in your reports as well.  You can also include stories about weather and drought in your community that you've heard on the radio or tv or read in newspapers.  Though these sources are not considered reliable at times, they can offer valuable insight into local conditions.  Way to go SC-CR-88! 

Plants and Wildlife  

With about an inch of rainfall last week, soil moisture in the vegetable garden has improved. At Roxbury Park in Meggett a week ago before the recent rain, there were very few mushrooms. Back at the park this weekend after the rain, I anticipated more mushrooms in the park but didn't in fact observe them. While I was there, Ken Carmen, the park naturalist, told me about a small depressional wetland that has been ephemeral in recent years (drying up part of the year) but this year has retained water the whole year. It's filled with moss and attracts song birds for bathing. That day, he'd seen at least 6 different species bathing, including some that are otherwise rare in the park this time of year.

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