Monday, October 27, 2014

Condition Monitoring Star of the Week, October 20th - 26th - Caswell County, NC

 Our Condition Monitoring Star of the Week was posted by observer with station number NC-CS-1 in Caswell County, NC.  We were impressed with the many impacts they reported.  From lake levels to plants and wildlife to tourism, the observer shows that there are many types of impacts to be recorded around one's community.  We also appreciate that the observer named the species they were describing.  This will help us compare their current condition to normal conditions.  As you read their report, can you think of similar conditions or aspects of your community you can included in your next condition monitoring report?  Great job NC-CS-1!  Thanks for setting the bar!


Plants and Wildlife
Tourism and Recreation
Water Supply and Quality

Just returned from a trip from NC through the mountains of Virginia and West Virginia then through Kentucky to southern Indiana. This trip consisted of traveling in USDA hardiness map zones 6 a and b plus 7a. Fall leaves were pretty but a little pas their peak. very disappointed in the lack of reds and oranges on the trip up but some more returning on the same route. Everything looked very lush. Talking with locals along the way most said they had been receiving ample rain. Those in southern Indiana said landscape plants and lawns required very little supplemental water during the summer. 
 Most farm ponds looked at or slightly above normal. 

At Hyco the lake level rose considerably after the heavy rains in the middle of the month. After a rapid increase, the level reached a peak on the 16th at 410.58 and has been slowly but steadily dropping every since. Even with the large rain the lake stayed clear. There are still many campers at the lake campground due to various construction projects int he area. Hummingbirds and butterflies are gone for the summer. Mums are in full bloom now, leaves are rapidly falling, acorns abound. Early morning find "fog" on the lake due to the cool air temp mixing with warmer water temps. With cool nights,pumpkins galore and most money crop fields empty, it's definitely fall and time for Halloween.

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